Hi, my name is

John Kim Querobines

I create high-performance websites with modern technologies and practices.

I'm a Registered Freelancer, Game Enthusiast, and many more... I’m a web developer specializing in building (and occasionally designing) exceptional digital experiences. I'm currently mentoring at Refocus, to help other aspiring newbies in the world of web development

About Me

The developer behind the creation of this website

Hi! you can call me Kim. I am a fullstack web developer but mainly a front end developer. I graduated with latin honor "Cum laude" in Polytechnic University of the Philippines in 2022 with Bachelor of Science on Information Technology Degree.

I am passionate about video games, especially crpg games. I am collecting video games in a video game digital distribution called steam.

If you would like to connect with my steam account here is my profile Kerubi

Where I've worked

Places I've worked on

Web Developer Mentor @Refocus

Jan 2023 - Present
  • Working Remotely as a Web Developer Mentor specializing in HTML, CSS, Javascript and React, here I am able to use the skills and experiences I was able to learn throughout my web development career
  • Participate in product development and provide product development services
  • Provide student counseling services via chat in Intercom

Fullstack Web Developer @OnlineJobsPH

Mar 2022 - Jan 2023
  • Designed and developed a News Website using Next.js and React Emotion with Contentful as the headless CMS for a JAMStack setup architecture for the website
  • Also created a prototype for a charity website using the same stack used in the previous project

Frontend Developer @Pragtechnologies Corp

Aug 2022 - July 2022
  • Trained in using Next.js, React Typescript, Tailwind, Graphql and Shopify
  • Developed a Next.js project with Typescript and Shopify GraphQL together as a primary requirement to finish the internship programme
  • Collaborated with a team of 4 to create the prototype of the pragtech website using Next.js with Typescript and Gitlab as a source control for the team

What's the move?

Drop me a line!

While I am not actively seeking new opportunities at the moment, I welcome any inquiries or friendly greetings in my inbox. If you have any questions regarding technology or the website, feel free to drop me a message, and I will do my best to respond promptly.

Hit me with a Hello!

© 2023 - KK